certainly for Bitcoin and crypto currency in general …
I can only imagine what this will mean when the likes of
LCF Crypto Currency ( China and LCF Rothchild) launch their
Currency ….

Donald Trump …Our companies can’t compete with them ( Chinese Companies )
Financial institutions including Saxo Bank have predicted safe haven assets and digital currencies like bitcoin to thrive under the Trump administration. Already, Trump is beginning to have an impact on the value of bitcoin and other precious metals such as gold and silver.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last week, commented on the US Dollar’s (USD) strong performance against the Chinese yuan, noting that the rapid increase in the value of USD is creating a challenging environment for US-based companies to compete with Chinese firms.
“Our companies can’t compete with them [Chinese companies] now because our currency is too strong. And it’s killing us,” said Trump.
Trump’s remarkable statement on the current relationship between USD and the Chinese yuan (CNY) led to the decline of the Dollar Index (DXY), which fell by 3 per cent from its previous 14-year high reached on January 3, 2017. Although Piotr Matys, Rabobank emerging market strategist, claimed that the correction of the US Dollar was inevitable, the correlation between Trump’s statement and the decline of DXY was quite evident.
The abrupt decrease in the value of the US Dollar led to the fall of stock markets in Asia and Europe. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index dropped by roughly 15,000 points almost immediately after the WSJ interview with Trump was released.
Struggling stock markets and slight uncertainty in the global financial market spurred the demand for safe haven assets like gold and bitcoin. The value of bitcoin increased by nearly $100 since the statement of Trump, rising from $827 to $925.

WOW! This is great news team, please read and learn just where Crypto currency is heading and you will feel so privileged to be a HUGE part of it…History in the making!

Author: kuyamike

one small idea is the way to a successful life

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